FADE IN: EXT. BUSH/TREE IN EMPTY FIELD – EA RL Y MORNING A GIRL wakes up with heavy rave makeup left on from the night before . Her eyes open slowly blinded by the light as she slowly picks herself up. She is surrounded by red cups, glow sticks and other reminders of the night before. S GIRL (V.0.) What the f- She hits her head on a branch. GIRL Ouchhh . She stands up and steps on a cup, liquid pours out . GIRL (groans) INT. CLUB – NIGHT (FLASHBACK) GIRL pours a significant amount of vodka into a red cup. EXT. BUSH/TREE IN EMPTY FIELD – EA RL Y MORNING She stumbles through her pockets and finds her phone, flooded with concerned messages. She begins to type a response and an alert pops up on her phone. "iPhone needs ...